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Where and how to download kvoctrain

  • There are several ways to download a kvoctrain package. The easiest way is to visit the download area which contains the main releases and from time to time a preview of the next main release.
  • If you want to be up to date with the most recent version you might update using anonymous cvs.

    In this case you need to download the source module and the documentation module. This is done with the three commands below. I suggest you create the directory "kvoctrain-cvs" to contain all the modules.

    • Log into the cvs server:

      cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.kvoctrain.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/kvoctrain login

    • Check out the sources and localisation files:

      cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.kvoctrain.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/kvoctrain co kvoctrain

    • Check out the documentation with all available languages:

      cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.kvoctrain.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/kvoctrain co docs

    There are two additional modules of maybe less interest:
    • "homepage" which contains the source files for the website you currently read

    • "dicts" which is intended for people who like to work on dictionary files.

    Once you have checked out the desired modules and you want to update later you just change to the according directory and invoke "cvs login && cvs update".
    If you like to do active work, especially on dictionary files, create your own account on sourceforge and afterwards I can give you write access to the cvs repository.


Since kvoctrain supports former KDE1.x as well as current KDE2.x, installation might become a bit complicated, depending very much on your system.

When running configure it will search some well known places for your libraries. From this search it will make a guess what target version to use for compilation. If the configure script decides to compile for KDE1.x/Qt1.x but you want to have KDE2.x/Qt2.X you must help it a bit and supply the directories where to find the correct libraries before running it.

This is done seting up two environment variables. On my machine with a bash this looks like this:

 export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt2
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2

With this approach it is also possible to compile a KDE1.x version while using the KDE2 desktop for work if you you find the KDE2 application too unstable.

KDE 1 or KDE 2?

Unlike most other applications which switched completely their sources from Qt1.x/KDE1.x to Qt2.x/KDE2.x I created hybrid sources which compile for both targets. There were two reasons doing so:
  • I wanted to find out how to do this ;-)
  • KDE2 uses much more resources, at least if you use it as your main desktop. Since I have an old Thinkpad with 33MHz/20MB which runs rather fine with KDE1 I still need the application for the older libraries.
Compiling for KDE1 or KDE2 makes very little difference. If I had not told you about this issue you probably would never have noticed. Currently the KDE2 version only makes use of some nice new features like the recent files menu.

Basically there is only one big advantage of kvoctrain for Qt2/KDE2: Unicode support.

With unicode it is possible to share vocabulary files without any problems since there is no limitation with 8bit character sets and related problems.

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Last updated on November 12. 2001
kvoctrain at ewald-arnold.de